Kostis On Lack Of Young American Talent

Peter Kostis explains why he believes there are so few burgeoning American stars compared to the rest of the world.

He doesn't mention the sense of entitlement guiding most American youth. Nor does he bring up the lack of diversity in playing conditions they face, particularly firm ground and thought-provoking designs. Nor does he mention the overall lack of imagination that American golf presents, thus failing to provide our kids with the kind of experience that European and Australian golfers are exposed to.

Mostly he blames the state of American college golf programs. (Actually, after reading about coaches endorsing a brand of rangefinder, maybe he's on to something.) He also believes the Tour school structure is an issue too.

Collegiate golfers who do turn pro are often met with the harsh reality of Q-school, where changes are needed as well. Exemptions past certain stages of Q-school should be abolished. Everyone should go through three stages, thus evening the playing field for the younger players (only 10 of 32 Tour cards earned this year went to players who survived all three stages).