“One walk here, Tiger put down 22,000 steps [on his pedometer]"

Tom Cunneff fills us in on Tiger's press conference to unveil The Cliffs' design Included is a full color course rendering with a disclaimer I've never seen before (but probably wise): "Artist rendering subject to change."

Naturally, I will be getting some mileage (pun fully intended) out of this: 

Several site visits also helped Woods with his rehabilitation from the knee surgery he underwent days after winning the U.S. Open in June. He and Anthony, a noted outdoorsman, went on long strolls around the property.

“One walk here, Tiger put down 22,000 steps [on his pedometer],” said Anthony. “And to show you his enthusiasm, he just had his operation on his knee, and we've got this big group of boulders out here, and so Tiger's climbing up on these boulders, and jumping from one to the other. I'm thinking the whole time, he's going to fall off, and I see the headlines: 'Tiger re-injures knee on a High Carolina rock pile.'”

The bigger headline, were it true, would have been: "Tiger Charges By The Step!" But I guess he was humoring boss Jim Anthony, who gives pedometers out like they're business cards.