"I wonder if they will still have the crab legs"

Thanks to reader Rick for Eli Saslow's Washington Post story on Uniontown Country Club caving to the economic crisis by allowing non-members to dine at the club.

Amid some protest from what he called "the hard-core, conservative members," Hughes fired the old chef early this spring and hired Michael DiMarco, a local chef known for his many tattoos and for serving gigantic portions at budget rates. He remade the menu to his liking, adding onion rings with ranch dressing for $3.95, topping his signature salads with french fries and eliminating all steaks smaller than 16 ounces. A few dozen locals started arriving at the club for meals each week, occasionally rankling members by parking their pickup trucks in preferred spots and exiting through the lobby with to-go containers.

Oh yes, you want to read this one.