American Airlines, Other Companies Stepping Up To Save Colonial

Nice reporting work by the Star-Telegram's Sandra Baker,who has obtained a series of communications between community leaders working to save Fort Worth's iconic PGA Tour stop.

American Airlines is the primary savior, though other companies may help fill the void expected to be created by Dean & Deluca. These are of note:

Likewise, XTO Energy spokesman Jeremy Eikenberry said: “We continue to have discussions with organizers of the tournament about a potential co-sponsorship.”

And, AT&T is considering being a co-sponsor. In a Nov. 28 email to councilman Brian Byrd, Fred Maldonado, an AT&T regional vice president of external and legislative affairs, said AT&T Chairman Randall Stephenson was reviewing a $2 million sponsorship request.

Longtime Dallas golf writer Bill Nichols noted this on learning the news:

It’s also gratifying to see that officials were able to get it done when the PGA Tour essentially drop-kicked them to the curb.