The wealth of important news, the stories crying out for heckling and most of all, the holiday laziness on my part translated to no posts remembering 2007's highlights and lowlights.

Should you desire to relive the year, monthly archives are here for your enjoyment. And never hesistate to use the site search feature if you are looking for an old post. Both can be found in the lefthand column.

Tomorrow I'll warn you about things to look for in 2008, including video diaries, a new book in the works and a preview of hoped-for web site content. But for now I'd like to thank you all for your active participation both in the comments sections and via email. I could not do the site without all of the reader contributions, so thanks for the enlightening comments, wry observations and spell-checking.

And please keep the comments, story links and photos coming.

Traffic this year easily doubled 2006's and grew steadily each month except in August when you were hopefully out enjoying the summer sun. Though I don't know much else about my readership, these browser and operating stats might be of some slight interest to demographics types. (My sympathies to the Vista users and pray that Macs arrive on your doorstep soon...the Internet looks so much better on an Apple!)

E6   35.07%
Gecko(Firefox)  19.61%
IE7  19.39%
Unknown  15.81%
Safari  6.82%
IE5   0.83%
Opera9   0.57%

WinXP   61.01%
Unknown   16.1%
MacOSX    10.52%
Win2000   5.14%
WinVista    2.31%
Win98     2.14%
Win2003    1.06%
Linux     0.53%
WinNT    0.31%
Win    0.23%
Win95   0.18%

So with that vital information shared, I thank you for a great 2007 and look forward to an even more enjoyable new year.
