Vanity Fair On Tiger Woods...

I love Vanity Fair and I know they had to put something in the space next to the Annie Liebovitz images of Tiger sporting an Alcatraz-prison-yard aesthetic (where's Marty Hackel when you need him?).

But the Conde Nast publication would have been so much better off reprinting Jaime Diaz's excellent February, 2010, Golf Digest piece than the huge pile of nothing filed by old media maven and windbag (there I go again!) Buzz Bissinger.

Here's Bissinger's opening paragraph, where he makes sure to get it wrong out of the gate:

It wasn’t until after the early-morning hours of November 27—when Tiger Woods got into his Cadillac Escalade closely trailed by a golf club carried by his likely very furious wife, drove his car far less distance than he putts a golf ball, and hit a fire hydrant—that the tens of millions of us who admired him suddenly came to a realization: this was the first time we had ever seen him do something human, except perhaps for when, at the Buick Open last year, he was caught on video shaking his leg, apparently farting, and then grinning like a frat boy.

Of course we know from the extensive Fartgate coverage here that Tiger was exonerated and CBS funnyman David Feherty was the likely culprit. But Buzz, being the anti-blog guy that he is, could not understand from watching the YouTube video that Tiger's leg shake was just a little on-course blood platelet spin.

This was hilarious too...

Some pro golfers, such as Phil Mickelson, wear their hearts on their sleeves during these sessions. Mickelson could talk candidly about his game and the impact of his wife’s having breast cancer. He could also be snarky and pissy. Never Tiger.

No, Tiger was never snarky or pissy in a press conference! Never! Ever!

Look, don't waste your time. Read Diaz's piece, it's still by far the best thing anyone has filed.