"A prospective captain couldn't have put it better."

Dermot Gilleece catches up with Paul McGinley, likely 2014 Ryder Cup Captain and 2010 assistant Captain who shares some behind-the-scenes moments from last week's Cup. There's the inevitable stuff that Captain Monty could have been one of Churchill's generals if he'd just been born a few decades earlier.

But this was fun:

"At Wednesday's gala dinner, we were all lined up to meet Prince Charles," said the Dubliner. "Protocol was explained, whereby you didn't address him unless spoken to and if you did respond, you called him 'Sir.' Fine, I thought. No problem.

"I happened to be at the end of the line of vice-captains and when my moment arrived, Colin Montgomerie introduced me as 'my vice-captain, Paul McGinley.' Whereupon I immediately put out my hand and said: 'Howya. I'm Paul.' Next thing I knew, Sergio Garcia beside me was doubled-up with laughter. Then I started laughing. Then Prince Charles started laughing."

From that point onwards, it became the joke of the European team room. On seeing McGinley, players would come up to him and say "Howya", followed by "I'm Lee" or Ross or Ian or whatever.