Donald Sacks Greenkeeper; Architect Firing Watch Begins

Shona Gossip and Ryan Crighton report that Paul O'Connor, greenkeeper for Trump International Golf Links for a year and a big part of the development team, was dismissed for reasons unknown.

However, the Scotsman's Shan Ross says O'Connor was fired because he refused to build a mound of earth between the Trump property and homeowners.

But, sources claim that Mr O'Connor - who previously spent 18 years at Carnoustie Golf Club in Angus, helping to attract the Open in 1999 and 2007 - was dismissed last week after refusing to be part of Trump's "campaign of intimidation" against people refusing to sell their land to the New York-based magnate.

It is understood the dispute centres round Mr O'Connor's refusal to follow Trump's order to build a huge mound of earth behind the home of David Milne, one of several neighbours on the Menie estate who refused to sell their homes.

Trump visited the site last month and was said to be extremely angry his instructions had not been complied with. A bank of earth about 100ft across and 20ft high appeared behind Mr Milne's house a few days before Mr O'Connor's dismissal.

They're just stadium mounds for the Open Championship The Donald's plans to bring north!

The move comes as a surprise considering O'Connor's enthusiasm for the job and that he seemed to know what he was getting into.

"If I'm over-ruled I can go away and stew, but what do you do then? Go on the dole? No. You're hoping to be able to get your point across. I mean, I can see every hole of this place, every bump, every hollow, where every bunker should be. Can I see it! Jesus, yeah.

"The only reason I left Carnoustie was for a project like this, I would not have left otherwise. This motivates me, it gets me out of my bed in the morning and gets me up the road from Broughty Ferry where I live. This is what I've always wanted to be involved in."

Meanwhile architect Martin Hawtree remains safe for now...until he refuses The Donald's orders.