Sigh Of Relief: Tiger, Stevie A-Okay

Mike Walker reports on Tiger's clarification on the Stevie issue as well as the state of Tiger's relationship with the tournament that he used to host. Even more newsworthy may have been what a boring press conference it was.

When Tiger Woods finished fourth after his final round of 75 at the 2010 U.S. Open earlier this month, he made a couple uncharacteristic references to mistakes in club selection by his caddie Steve Williams. Asked about those remarks on Tuesday, Woods said his disagreement with Williams was not a big deal.

"There's no tension," Woods said. "You guys are reading way too much into that. Do Stevie and I make mistakes? Of course we do. We're great competitors and we both want to win."

Woods is playing his first event since the U.S. Open at the AT&T National at Aronimink Golf Club in suburban Philadelphia this week. While AT&T ended its sponsorship of Woods following his sex scandals, Woods said he was pleased that the company continued to sponsor the tournament, which raises money for the Tiger Woods Foundation.

Certainly sounds like things went better at Aronimink than they did at Sam's birthday party.