Padraig's Driving Range Addiction Becoming Apparent

Paul Mahoney reports that after a 65 and despite 438 swing thoughts...

"And obviously then I had a knock on effect. I had to change my chipping action and bunker action. I had a good six weeks," he said to much laughter in the interview room.

Harrington admitted he spent the last 45 minutes of his round trying to convince himself not to go near the range for more tinkering. Now that he's doing well in the tournament, he said he is just going to leave his swing as it is and try to stay mentally strong. His battle, he said, was to keep the demon swing thoughts out of his head. And therein lies his problem. He thinks too much, but the key is to not think too much.

"I haven't had a swing thought on the golf course in 14 years," he said. "But I've just spent six weeks with 10 swing thoughts, and it's very hard not to have any."