"I have no problem with facial hair, depending on the individual and how it looks."

I finally got around to Tim Rosaforte's "Hairy Situation" story in last week's Golf World (not posted) and while the entire look at the tour and facial hair is great fun, Commissioner Adrian Monk came through with some of his most tortured logic ever.

"I have no problem with facial hair," Finchem said in the TPC clubhouse Saturday, "depending on the individual and how it looks."

There's a policy you can bank on. Go on...

What the commissioner was implying is that being lazy and not shaving in the morning is different from the full-on attempt to grow a beard.

Isn't a full-on attempt to grow a beard the ultimate in laziness? Sorry, there I go again interrupting.

"What I say to the players is no secret," Finchem said. "Look in the mirror and ask yourself or your significant other if [you] look good. If the answer is no, you should shave. Lucas is wearing a beard, that's a given. Not shaving that day is different. You're not wearing a beard. To some people it would connote a lack of respect, so there's a little bit of that concern. On the other hand, some guys, such as Jose Maria Olazabal, show up at a tournament with a three day growth and it looks good. Some guys are like that. There isn't a formula."

Perhaps the Commissioner could draw up his list of Guys Who Look Good With A Three Day Growth?