The Donald Is Positively Thrilled About BBC Airing Of "You've Been Trumped"

Following a scathing Guardian column by filmmaker Bill Forsyth, whose Local Hero is used in Anthony Baxter's You've Been Trumped documentary on the building of Trump International Scotland, The Donald is agitated.

Couple that with Trumped airing on BBC2 this Sunday, The Donald took to Twitter to (apparently) encourage viewership by insulting the fillmmaker. Severin Carrell reports:

Trump reacted to news that the documentary was being shown on BBC2 by launching a tirade on Twitter against its director, Anthony Baxter, and other "morons" who criticised his now mothballed £750m resort, which was to be built at the course.

Trump stated: "All the morons that cause the controversy in Scotland have made my development far more successful than anticipated."

He then added that the film, which has now been screened in US cinemas and was acclaimed by the radical filmmaker Michael Moore, had helped him "promote & make Trump International Golf Links Scotland so successful you stupid fool!" In another tweet, he told Baxter: "Your documentary has died many deaths. You have, in my opinion, zero talent."