"No sport is blessed with a talent pool such as golf's"

Bob Verdi celebrates all things wonderful about parity in modern golf and manages to avoid using the "t" word in trying to explain how these young, fit flatbellies and geezers are all able to play at the same level, producing 15 different major winners in the last 15 majors.

The PGA TOUR is the toughest league to crack and to stay there is another dimension entirely. With twentysomethings abounding, and so many men twice their age conditioned to play as well or better than they ever have, competitive balance is without a parallel in professional sports. Men's tennis is must-see compelling, but three giants are doing most of the compiling. Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal have won 14 of the last 15 Grand Slam events, and 28 of the last 29. They do not have to outlast fields of 156 each week.

Or, when tennis introduced three different balls to offset the dominance of power to better match the surfaces, it allowed incredibly skilled players to separate themselves from the merely skilled?