This Week In Golf Channel Ratings: Another FedExCup .1

A few more people tuned into a super leaderboard in Asia, but half of America was asleep when the event was concluding making .2 deceivingly low even by PGA Tour fall ratings standards.

With the McGladrey Classic back to normal golf television hours, a Masters berth on the line and FedExCup points riding on the outcome, an audience more than double--double!--the population of The Villages tuned in to see how things played out (Chris Kirk won).

Unfortunately, the final round of the McGladrey played sixth for the week on GC, landing behind two Golf Central Postgame's, Friday and Sunday of the European Tour's Turkish Airlines event that included Tiger Woods.

Son Of The Bronx posts the numbers for November 4-10th, where Golf Channel saw and average of 105,000/77,000 (Prime Time/Total Day), a huge increase from a year ago when they posted 59,000/46,000.

Other notables:

- The top rated show of the week? Golf Central's Postgame drew 265,000 viewers immediately following the conclusion of the McGladrey, so we can safely conclude that a viewership four times the size of The Villages watched the final few minutes of Kirk's unforgettable win.

- Big Break NFL continues to top the list, and remember, these numbers do no include the prison population of Guantanamo Bay forced to watch it in lieu of sleep deprivation.

- Saturday's Morning Drive drew over 100,000 viewers, again making it the highest watched MD of the week. And to think it used to only be Monday-Friday.

- Saturday's live telecast of the McGladrey Classic outdrew the live final round McGladrey telecast by 45,000 viewers.

As for the "wraparound" schedule that is delivering this epic value to sponsors who wanted to pay more to be in the FedExCup and are getting the same old lousy ratings, Will Gray talked to players about the schedule. Zach Johnson will be receiving a special gift from Commissioner Benedict for his praise, but Tommy Gainey and Scott Piercy will certainly get their share of unwanted visits from the drug testing police for this:

“I don’t know if anyone wants to hear it or not, but I’ve got an opinion. I really don’t like it,” Gainey said. “I’m just going to say one word. Confusing.”

Aside from the labeling issues that can arise from a cross-calendar season, some players question golf’s already-brief offseason growing shorter – if not disappearing entirely.

“It would be nice if there was an offseason,” Scott Piercy said. “We need breaks.”