Video: Oakmont 9th & 10th Holes

While we wait for the Sectional Qualifying returns to come in, let's make the turn at Oakmont. (Previous holes posted below.)

The ninth is a par-5 for the members featuring blind tee shot with a ditch on the left. The flagpole provides a decent line though for players unsure of how close they are to the ditch. The green/putting green is one of the great spots in the world of golf.

I seem to recall issues with the 10th fairway contour here in 2007 and judging by this flyover, the left contour line still appears to be awful. Closing off that side with a straight, unnatural line is particularly bad in this case because the left side is so clearly meant to provide a better angle if you're willing to flirt with the fairway bunkers. This is example A of why players hate USGA course setup: they talk about architecture and strategy, yet close off an avenue to the hole where the optimum angle resides, for reasons that can only be chalked up to preventing birdies. Because we now know it has nothing to do with distance since the players aren't any longer now than they were in 2007!