Video: Shinnecock Hills Second Hole Flyover

At 252 yards for this year's U.S. Open, this uphill, typically downwind long par-3 is one of the more subtly artful and not-so-subtly difficult one-shotters around.

In 1986, P.J. Boatwright noted the small approach added to players land the ball short of the green, 226 yards away: 

A very strong a par-3, uphill to a green that is appropriately large. Normally, we isolate greens on par-3 holes with rough. In this case, because the hole is so long, we left a strip of fairway in front of the green so that players can bounce the ball onto the green. This is only fair because the hole is likely to play downwind.

The aerial showing the entire fairway drenched in rough!  Fairway was installed by 1995:


The flyover today:

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