Garrigus: "It’s OK to take Oxycontin and blackout and run into a bunch of people, but you can’t take CBD and THC without someone looking at you funny."

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While he has his facts wrong on a few fronts, recently suspended CBD user Robert Garrigus scores a few points with his very legit gripes about the consistency of suspension penalties and the overall treatment by WADA and the PGA Tour of various substances.

From Adam Schupak’s reporting for Golfweek:

“I get suspended in the middle of the year. Matt Every gets suspended at the end of the year and he misses three tournaments,” Garrigus said. “There also needs to be some discrepancy there. There’s a gray area there, but the Tour has always been black and white.”

He needs to spend more time in California, because this sure isn’t the case, but I don’t doubt it is the way things are in most areas:

“The fact that it is socially unacceptable for cannabis and CBD right now blows my mind. It’s OK to take Oxycontin and blackout and run into a bunch of people, but you can’t take CBD and THC without someone looking at you funny. It makes no sense,” Garrigus said.