"I’m still trying to understand why bifurcation scares everybody as much as it does."

There is plenty to chew on in Mike Whan’s conversation with Alan Shipnuck for GolfDigest.com. But mostly it’s nice to see the incoming CEO is trying to understand why rules bifurcation is the golf administrator version of gonorrhea.

The key exchange with Whan, who starts July 1st:

For the men’s professional game, do you need to limit the distance players are hitting it?

If we’re talking about the men’s professional game, I’d be surprised if people don’t believe that some degree of reining in wouldn’t be good for the game long-term. I haven’t had those conversations with everybody yet, but I will. I’ve read the Distance Insights study, but I don’t know if the need for change really trickles down to other levels of the game. I question if we need change for the average player. I’m still trying to understand why bifurcation scares everybody as much as it does. I’m not really sure why.

Welcome to the club!