Bivens On Crutches; Writers Revel In The Metaphoric Possibilities

Beth Ann Baldry reports on the standing-room only setup at LPGA Commish Bivens' state of the tour address. Considering how few golf writers are left, that must be one tiny interview room.

Baldry also featured this quote addressing the absurdity of starting the season with a million dollar first place prize event.

“Whoever ends up winning the first event is 99.9 percent guaranteed to be in the top 10 on the money list,” said Christina Kim. “They could play that one event and be like, peace for the entire year, go to Aruba or something.”

Jay Coffin gives Bivens a rave review and pounces on the crutches metaphor.

Larry Dorman shares a few Bivens quotes not in the transcript.

Steve Elling wonders how you can have a pro golf tour not playing in Florida.

Next year, South Florida will be without an event for the first time this decade. At this stage, after the contract for the Ginn Open in Orlando expires in April, the entire state will be without an event in 2010. Eleven events next year are overseas, scattered in nine different countries, many of them in Asia, which remains a strong market.

"In this economy," she said, "it's like having a balanced portfolio."

Yeah, that's what we savvy investors thought our 401(k) mutual-fund accounts assured us, right? Even the Asian markets, which produce one of the tour's top revenue streams, are wobbling. Bivens bemoaned the fact that even abroad, the trickle-down effect of the U.S. economy is already being felt with full force.

Randell Mell reports that The Donald hints at talks resuming with ADT about salvaging the event. But it still would be in the opening season slot...

Some good news for Bivens: no photographer seems to have captured her limping into the session. The brand remains strong!