"Pieces spray. An old women gasps. And poor ol' Cleggy is again back-pedalling in a swirl of beige slacks."

Nick Walshaw has the definitive account and the Telegraph the epic photo of John Daly using some snapper's digital to audition for the Yankees. Love the guy ducking in the distance too! By that form sure looks to me like Long John missed his calling as a pitcher.

And so Long John charges again. This time yelling "You want it back?" before flinging the offending camera, slamming it into a tree.

Pieces spray. An old women gasps. And poor ol' Cleggy is again back-pedalling in a swirl of beige slacks.

You could feel it building yesterday. From the moment Daly's very first drive in the 2008 Australian Open at Royal Sydney flew, flew, flew - into a sand bunker.

Daly hit a bloke holding an umbrella on the 11. Tried to use a wedge on the green at 17. Took two getting out of one bunker and chipped 5m into ) another. He saw more sand in one day than the entire cast of Baywatch.

Of course, you can add to this all those little extras that come with being the marquee import. The pressures. The publicity requests. Pestered by everyone from Kerri-Anne Kennerley to Louie the Fly.

"God damn," Daly yelled to no one in particular while leaving the putting green on Wednesday. "This fly just won't leave me alone."