"In an odd sort of way, golfers, the fans who follow them and the writers who try to understand them have found a common place to hang out -- Twitter."

Ron Sirak looks at Twitter's impact in the world of golf and concludes:

Its functions are diverse -- promotional, informational and humorous -- but its impact is unified: To make the world a smaller place, reducing it all the way down to 140 characters. And that's clearly a comfort zone millions are finding to be quite cozy. Clearly, it is a world of characters that is having a population explosion.

Also, Alex Myers posts this list of golfers and media Twitter accounts, with links.

Just curious here since it's a slow news day, but might we use this story and comment section for those using Twitter to voice your thoughts? How do you read Tweets? What do you think of getting blog or website feeds as Tweets?

I know a lot of you have Twitter fatigue, we get it. But I'd like this to be a more constructive thread about where you see Twitter going as a news and information source. There will also be a chance to discuss this in November when I post a Golfdom feature on how Twitter is impacting the golf course maintenance world.