The Hits Just Keep On Coming!

What a great night on 60 Minutes!

There was the opening story of Marc Dreier, swindler and golfer who is seen in photos throwing charity golf tournaments and watching golf on television as he dines from his now-former penthouse.

That was followed by Lesley Stahl's look at coal ash that included the Virginia golf course built over the toxic stuff and, brace yourselves, evidence that the golf course contractor did not properly cap the ash, exposing neighbors to the stuff (notice the report didn't seem to care much if the golfers were being harmed).

(Frankly I'm just shocked to think that a golf course contractor might have cut corners. Baffling I tell you.)

At least the third segement of the show wasn't about avid golfers like the Craigslist killer or David Letterman's black mailer, who appears to own more Titleist hats than Adam Scott.