Suit Thrown Out After Court Says There Is No Disputing That John Daly Is A Mess

He had sued the Florida Times Union over a column by Mike Freeman, reports AP's Ron Word:

Daly had sued in 2005, alleging a column by Freeman written during The Player's Championship that year defamed him.

Freeman's column said: "How does Daly not fail the scoundrel sniff test with fans despite possessing definite Thug Life qualifications. Look at the Daly blog. Domestic violence accusations? Yup. Substance abuse issues? Unfortunately, three different kids from three different moms, making him the Shawn Kemp of golf? Yes. A former wife indicted for laundering illegal drug profits? Roger that."

Carithers wrote in his opinion that the alleged defamatory statements were opinions based upon disclosed facts.

"The only possible basis for a defamation action would be if Daly proved that one of the four underlying facts was false, but there is no genuine dispute with respect to any of the underlying facts," Carithers wrote.