Ron Paul Voted To Deprive Arnold Palmer Of A Much Needed $30,000 Medal!

Reader Bruce left me with no choice but to post the Ron Paul-votes-against-The King story that I had avoided. After all we've done enough politics this week, though the details are quite entertaining.

Ben Goad writes this about the 422-1 vote for Arnold Palmer's Congressional Gold Medal:

Here's the explanation from Paul spokeswoman Rachel Mills:

"It is certainly nothing personal against Mr. Palmer. In fact, Congressman Paul admires him greatly. Dr. Paul opposes using public monies for any and all of these gold medals given to private citizens, just on principle. Not to mention, it is unconstitutional to use taxpayer dollars in this way. He even suggested on the House Floor before he voted against Rosa Parks's medal that if it meant so much to the Members of Congress, why not fund the award out of their own pockets? He pulled $100 out of his own wallet, but had no other takers. At a time like this when all budgets are stretched so thin, it seems especially inappropriate to lavish gifts like this on private citizens, as much as he may admire the individual."

The legislation authorizes the expenditure of $30,000 to make the medal and duplicate bronze versions, which could then be sold to cover the cost.

Kevin Robbins posted the item and judging by the comments, most of Texas agrees with Paul's position.