Together, We Have Come Up With A New Slogan To Push Back With When The Barney Frank's Of The World Criticize Us

It pains me to have missed Tim Finchem's spellbinding press conference Tuesday, because I would love to have asked him about this story noticed by reader Kevin. (To summarize: a Congressman is tired of boner pill ads airing between the hours of 6 am to 10 pm. Uh oh!).

But having caught an extended clip on Golf Channel (and the horrified look on Steve Sands' face after the clip concluded), I guess I missed the detailed explanation of the PGA Tour's new charity slogan, err... "this new, elevated charity platform" as David Toms put it.

The press release taught me all sorts of new buzzwords (activate, mobilize, and my new fav to describe a web page..."charity landing page") plus relentless usage of the classics (engaging, impact, platform, benchmark).

I guess the underlying statement in the release was pretty clear: after the Northern Trust Open debacle we need to better market our charity efforts. But that slogan? "Together, anything's possible?"

Here I thought the anything's possible line was a goner when it was dropped while the tour was taking Casey Martin to court. I'm too cranky to help the tour come up with some better slogan's or one that is shorter than my headline above, so readers, please, offer your suggestions.