Johnny: BYU Better Prepares You For The PGA Tour!

Richard Sandomir reports:

And NBC would have most preferred a Tiger Woods victory, but he wasn’t up to it, not even on two good legs. I fear that in Woods’s inconsistency throughout the tournament, Miller lumped him in this critical catchall.

“If these guys were really smart,” he said after some putts that didn’t meet his standard of preparedness, they’d have gotten a tape of the 2002 Open at Bethpage Black, “to study the breaks” of the greens.

Hicks replied to Miller, “A few do.”

“I’ll bet there aren’t two guys who do it,” Miller said.

“I’ll bet Tiger Woods did,” Koch said.

After Hicks subsequently named Mike Weir as one of those on the course who asked for a tape, Miller attributed Weir’s foresight to his attending Brigham Young University, where Miller was an all-American.

Anyone watching and heard this care to report whether Johnny had tongue planted in cheek? I know sarcasm isn't his thing, so I'm going to guess this wasn't a joke.