"If Wie was lying, she’d be the one to have to look in the mirror when she puts on her makeup and know she did."

Thanks to reader Tom for John Vander Borght's follow-up to his original post on Michelle Wie and her questionable explanation for grounding her club, which he's apparently caught a little flak for defending. I think he makes a fair rebuttal point even though I find her explanation dubious.

Here is my question for those who don’t agree.  Lets assume that the most honest player you can think of (Bobby Jones in my case) did just what Wie did in the hazard and claimed the he/she thought he was falling.  Would you believe him or her?

If so, ask yourself why you don’t believe Wie.  Is she inherently less trustworthy (I’m sure some will say she is)?  Why doesn’t she deserve the same benefit of the doubt?  What has she really done that is worthy of being branded a liar or a least a fabricator of a story?

Many years ago at my first US Mid-Amateur, I had a case where a player denied doing what I know I saw him do from 150 yards away.  After a few minutes of discussion, the rover who was more senior than I was took me aside and let the player continue.  He said to me, “If he is lying, he is the one who will have to look in the mirror tomorrow morning when he shaves.”   If Wie was lying, she’d be the one to have to look in the mirror when she puts on her makeup and know she did.  But, who am I to judge that?