"A few sole practitioners also pursue the art."

John Paul Newport on golf poetry's possible resurgence, and it's not called Twitter.

A few sole practitioners also pursue the art. Recently I received a self-published collection titled "The Kiss That Cured My Slice" by John Ducker. The title poem describes a round with a beautiful women, never to be seen again, who inspires him to shoot his best-ever score. In another poem the poet tees it up with Madonna, Michael Jackson and Prince, whose ball on the greens never misses the cup and is nicknamed Purple Drain.

But surely the most avid contemporary practitioner is Leon White, a retired MIT professor and health-insurance executive from Massachusetts. He culls old magazines and books for interesting poems, and adds a few he writes himself, for weekly posts on his blog at www.golfpoet.com. Recently he's been experimenting with repurposing golf poem lines as 140-character Tweets, which he calls Twines. An example: "Had Tiger come clean before being hounded, Could he have escaped without being pounded?" So maybe there's hope for golf poetry yet.