Chubby And Rory Volley Admiring Quotes In Wake Of Breakup

Chubby charged the net first, as quoted in this unbylined story on the stunning player-agent break up.

Chandler said: "Onward and upwards. We have had a quite brilliant year. The company is growing and adapting to ensure it stays at the forefront of golf and the business of managing players. We wish Rory every success.

"It has been an honour representing Rory and we take great pride in the role ISM has played in guiding him successfully through his formative years as a professional golfer.

"Under our management he has grown into an international figure and he leaves us as a major champion."

McIlroy, given the opportunity to demonstrate the form taught to him by Caroline, volleyed back.

I would like to sincerely thank Andrew 'Chubby' Chandler and his team for their guidance, representation, and management over the past four years, since turning pro.

Okay, first sign someone else wrote this: the "Andrew" reference. Go on, PR person:

"Chubby and his team have played a very important role in my success to date. I have made great progress under their management and for that I will always be grateful.

"I am now keen to move onto the next stage of my career and I feel this will be facilitated by a fresh view and a new structure around me. Therefore I am delighted to be joining Horizon and I look forward to working with my new team."