“Miracle at Merion” Wins USGA Book Award

From the USGA and congratulations to David Barrett for winning with Miracle At Merion:

Far Hills, N.J. (March 8) – In recognition of its high standard of achievement in golf literature, “Miracle at Merion: The Inspiring Story of Ben Hogan’s Amazing Comeback and Victory in the 1950 U.S. Open,” written by David Barrett, has been named the recipient of the USGA’s 2010 Herbert Warren Wind Book Award.

“Ben Hogan was a great champion throughout his career, but his remarkable victory at the 1950 U.S. Open just 16 months after a devastating car crash is one of the most inspirational stories in all of sports history,” said Rand Jerris, managing director of the USGA Museum. “David Barrett’s detailed portrait of the strength, courage and resilience of Hogan as he endured a grueling test of both mental and physical stamina is a wonderful addition to the lore of the 1950 U.S. Open.”

Barrett’s connection with Merion Golf Club, in Ardmore, Pa., started during his days as a collegiate golfer at Haverford College, across the street from Merion. A former editor at Golf Magazine, his interest in Hogan’s comeback and victory in the 1950 U.S. Open was rekindled when the magazine ran an excerpt of Curt Sampson’s biography, “Hogan.”

“The comeback was the iconic Hogan event,” said Barrett. “It epitomizes his overall determination to be a great golfer. He overcame a troubled background, his father’s suicide, and then you can parallel that with overcoming injuries from the crash.”