Tom Friedman Compares Obama To Tiger...

The Pulitzer Prize winning columnist suggests the President shift his modus operandi to match play tactics: "Always play the course, always play to win and always assume your opponent will do well — will make that long putt — so you have to do better."

And then there's the Tiger analogy:

Obama is smart, decent and tough, with exactly the right instincts about where the country needs to go. He has accomplished a lot more than he’s gotten credit for — with an opposition dedicated to making him fail. But lately he is seriously off his game. He’s not Jimmy Carter. He’s Tiger Woods — a natural who’s lost his swing. He has so many different swing thoughts in his head, so many people whispering in his ear about what the polls say and how he needs to position himself to get re-elected, that he has lost all his natural instincts for the game. He needs to get back to basics.