Scottish Gold Plating Makers Sweat: The Donald Halts Scotland Development Work In Protest

David Ross reports on this week's Trump Wind Farm National And Estates drama, with The Donald halting work on his already completed golf course and remaining development plans until the Scottish Government makes a decision on a nearby wind farm. One of the nearby land owners, David Milne, isn't buying The Donald's bluff.

"This is nothing more than another bluff and Scottish ministers should call it.

"After all, this is a golf course against an entire industry which is going to carry Scotland forward to the future, and an industry the Scottish Government is already very publicly committed to, in order to deliver long-term targets.

"The choice is simple – it is between the children of the country growing up to be bed-changers and grass-cutters or growing up with the opportunity to be engineers, designers, developers and builders, along with the slew of unskilled trades that all real industry brings with it.

Well at least he didn't say anything derogatory about sweater-folders.