Must Have For Fall: Swing Like Hogan, Look Like You've Just Been Outfitted By Nurse Ratched

As an owner (still) of a David Leadbetter swing trainer that inspired insane asylum gear like the Golf Swing Shirt, I'm not one to speak. Still, this should get you some unwanted attention on the range. But we know golfers will do anything to improve.

John Strege with the details.

Ray Rapcavage, founder of the Golf Swing Shirt, came upon the idea by accident. A low handicapper, he went into his yard to hit some lob wedges one day and shanked three in a row, he said, the last shot hitting his house. "It felt like everything was out of sync," he said.

So he took his sweater off, put both arms in a single sleeve, "almost like a strait jacket," and began hitting lob wedge shots, "20 perfect shots in a row, each time the same exact result. Everything was operating as one unit."

He decided to design a one-sleeved shirt for his personal use, then introduced it to friends. "Almost every person who put this on hit the ball exponentially better," Rapcavage said. Before deciding to go into business with this product, he sought the opinion of an expert and began hectoring Ballard for his evaluation. Ballard agreed to meet with him, though he was skeptical.

"I've been in this business 52 years," he said. "I've seen everything. I'd never seen anything I liked. I liked this right away and told Ray that. This lets you feel that triangle in both directions. It's so easy."