Tiger's Punta Brava On Track For Fall '13 Opening

From the PR wire, amazingly detailed plans for Punta Brava's environmental stewardship efforts and golf course construction timeline for Mexico's Punta Brava, aiming to be the first Tiger Woods 18-hole design to be completed that is projecting play as early as September, 2013.

“As a development, we are proud to have engaged the world’s brightest minds in the field of sustainable golf construction, emerging clean technologies, as well as the Ensenada community, throughout the planning stages of Punta Brava. And we believe many of the innovations we achieve will have a catalytic influence across the golf industry,” added Leggat.

Course Construction Timeline

Upon completion of current conservation programs in the coming months, the first phase of golf construction consists of earthwork, fairway shaping and bunker construction. This 10-12 month phase is timed to coincide with the peak germination period of the Baja coastal desert climate (June 15th – August 31st 2013).

The second phase of construction consists of drought-resistant grassing, irrigation and drainage. Due to the mild summers in Ensenada, it is estimated the course will reach optimal root base and allow for member play as early as September of 2013.