Finchem Sounds Lukewarm On Possible Anchoring Ban

I just couldn't bring myself to read all of the Commissioner Permutations' press conference transcript after listening to parts on Golf Channel, but I did find his choice of words on the anchoring putters question intriguing.

Rex Hoggard reports.

“What I've articulated from the position I hold is simply that this is important to a lot of people, not just on the PGA Tour, but to golfers,” Finchem said. “It should be done carefully, reviewed fully, and discussed thoroughly and at least at this point I'm confident that will happen.”

Notice how he mentions everday golfers in there, something Finchem rarely mentions as a consideration in anything the tour deliberates. And "at least at this point" he's confident the conversations have been deliberate. Hardly the ringing endorsement he usually gives his fellow Five Families members the Tataglia's (USGA) and the Barzini's (R&A). (Reader Mike gets credit for the Five Families reference, btw...wish I'd thought of it.)

Anyway, I have to wonder if the Commish is hearing the same kind of feedback many of us hear: getting rid of anchoring putters is really more pressing for the health of the sport than say, huge distance advancements?