Stacy Lewis On 18: "Travis, he didn't even give me a number."

You can still see the Road hole approach shot on ESPN's Women's British Open highlight package at about the :30 second mark, but reading Stacy Lewis' description of that shot and her use of putter on the Home hole approach to setup a birdie speaks to her talent and also to a wonderful month of links golf creativity that we won't see for a while.

(If anyone sees her shots appear on YouTube let me know!)

Thanks to reader Go Blue for this from the transcript:

Q.  Before I get to the question I had, I wonder if you can kind of describe the flight of the ball on 17, what you were seeing and what it did.

STACY LEWIS:  It was    I don't know how far it was to the pin.  I knew I was 160 to the front so I don't know how far the pin was on, but we were just trying to land it around that front number.  And the shot I saw was a little kind of a low 5 iron, and you know, what we wanted to do was start it at the front right of the green and let it turn with the wind and it would knock it down, it would hit into the slope and it would roll up there.  Somehow, it did that.

So, it's one of those shots you see in your head but you don't really ever pull it off, and it just    off the clubface, it was perfect.  I was just yelling at it to get down, because if you land it up on top, it was going to go over.  So I was fortunate laying it into the slope and it killed it a little bit.
Q.  Laying up on 18 from where you were, could just talk about your decision to go with putter.

STACY LEWIS:  Travis, he didn't even give me a number.  We were playing something on the ground, we never even thought about flying anything up there.  But we were talking about whether we were going to putt it or chip it, and the chip shot, it was a flat and then it went down and then back up.  So we were worried about it hitting on a flat and then missing the down and going straight into the slope.

So, you know, right away Travis said, "Why don't you putt it."  And actually in the practise round, I threw some balls down there and hit some putts from there.  I knew it was possible.

As soon as he felt confident with the putter, it made me even more confident with it, because I think that was the only shot from where I was that you could get it somewhat close.