Elkington Keeping PGA Tour Fines Department In Business!

Lost in the outrage over Steve Elkington's latest distasteful Tweet is the job-creating work he's doing by keeping someone at 100 PGA Tour Boulevard gainfully employed to read these missives and report to Commissioner Fine'em Up!

Luke Kerr-Dineen on Elkington's latest conduct unbecoming moment on Twitter, which is pretty sad even for Elkington's twisted sense of social media. Ryan Lavner with the roundup of past conducts unbecoming, all raising an undisclosed amount for charity because of course, the PGA Tour does not disclose fines. But Elkington is a PGA Tour member, however, and it's a safe bet he's getting some money deducted from the account for these Tweets.

The offending Tweet, since deleted:

 ESPN's Jeff MacGregor with the best comeback: