Trump Loses Wind Farm Battle, Or Does He?

While he's been cast a big "loser" by the former First Minister in his fight to keep wind farms from scarring the view from Trump International Scotland (they will), I wonder how heartbroken Donald Trump will be to have lost his appeal of the wind farm (Ryan Lavner reports.) After all, he hasn't gone forward with the real estate component of the project and this could allow him to quietly shelve those ambitious plans in what is a hostile.

He is definitely losing with you all, as 62% to 38% (of 747 votes cast) says leading golf organizations should not be playing events at Trump properties going forward.

The loss of appeal has led to a fantastic war of words between Trump and former First Minister Alex Salmond. Once pals (you can see them in happier times here), they've been bickering since the appeal news came out and it's fantastic!

Salmond noted the economic harm caused by the project delay and his view of Trump as a loser, prompting this as reported by The Guardian:

But the Trump Organisation hit back at Salmond in a pointed and characteristically colourful statement: “Does anyone care what this man thinks? He’s a hasbeen and totally irrelevant. The fact that he doesn’t even know what’s going on in his own constituency says it all ... He should go back to doing what he does best: unveiling pompous portraits of himself that pander to his already overinflated ego.”