Growing The Game Files: B-Listers Descend On Bakers Bay!

You may recall the wild and crazy antics of A-listers Rickie and Jordan, joined by B-listers Smylie and Justin last spring. The sport declared an inevitable, but untraceable "grow the game" factor stemming from their semi-naked romps at Bakers Bay. The super-exclusive resort loving the free publicity and bridge to the vaunted millennials. I disagreed and certainly understood the hostile "get off my lawn" reaction, but stand by my view that it was all a bit much.

The #SB2K16 group reconvened in New York this fall to little acclaim for reasons unclear, and now the B-listers have been joined by some youthful wannabes for the "winter meetings" that no shortage of folks lauding those wild and crazy antics shared on Snapchat (and then screen-grabbed somewhat creepily wishing they could join in the fun, even though 99.9% of golf courses would eject you for the behavior). 

So I ask, in the spirit of discussion: if PGA Tour players running around on a green and leaving a cake behind for others to clean up is kosher, should the sport do a little soul searching? Or at the very least, bring the stymie if all hell breaking loose is so darned cool?