Video: Brandel’s For Bifurcation…Of Rules On Marijuana Use In Golf

We had him for a time on bifurcation of equipment rules, but as Brandel Chamblee his ownself eloquently explains there is one b word he’s for: the complicated issue of marijuana as a performance enhancer. Noting that “science says the medical efficacy of marijuana is undeniable” Chamblee pointed out that “cannabinoid receptors that control behavior and mood” could make it easy to “argue it’s a better place to perform” when under the influence.

And he points out the big picture issue of whether we want golfers to "come “to an ideal athletic state through a chemical metamorphosis” or “through natural processes, discipline, self discovery”.

The full discussion on Golf Central was very interesting. Also noteworthy, in the wake of Matt Every’s post round comments that prompted the discussion embedded below: the PGA Tour had no comment.