Jay Monahan Rolled Out The New TV Deal As Markets Crashed, And It Went About As Well As You'd Expect

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Presumably somewhere down in Ponte Vedra Beach this weekend, the good folks discussed whether Commissioner Jay Monahan should make the rounds promoting the next PGA Tour media deal.

With cratering markets, major event cancellations and the world trying to squash a pandemic, Monahan forged ahead with a CNBC Squawk Box appearance. And as any upright, non-comatose adult might have predicted, hosts Joe Kernen, Becky Quick, and Andrew Ross Sorkin could not hide their disdain for having to conduct the interview while anticipating the worst market day in a decade.

It was tough to pinpoint the the most awkward moment, but…

Was it Kernen’s apologetic intro asking viewers to pretend to go back in time a few weeks to hear about such a thing?

Quick interrupting when Monahan noted the size of golf course properties (“3-400 acres”) implying a coronavirus light space, and Monahan answering, “we’ve stood up a business around this subject and we did so several weeks ago. And we have leaders within our company that are pouring themselves into this.”

Or was it Sorkin wanting to know answers to about 15 tough questions to just make the whole interview go away?

CNBC’s social team did not push this one out on the Squawk Box Twitter feed for all in public relations circles to learn how the cancellation button is your friend. But the interview was posted on YouTube: