Stunner: They're Not Exactly Playing By The Rules Of Golf In The Saudi Golf League

There are some fabulous details in Sean Zak’s story looking at two rules situations at the inaugural LIV Golf Invitational. That young man’s mane of Slugger White’s might be thinning grey by the time he lands back in the States!

In the first instance, a caddie signaled to another player what club was used. White decided to issue a warning even though the caddie in question is a pro jock. And Slugger also made a request to fill divots. Charming. So they don’t know the rules or etiquette.

On brand in Saudi golf land!

In the second incident, also involving J.C. Ritchie of South Africa, well, it’s less a clear violation but speaks to the integrity of the competition…

Phachara Khongwatamai, of Thailand, the third player in Ritchie’s group, was playing so well Thursday that many of his shots were being shown on the event’s coverage. Ritchie, noting the action of the cameras around them, was concerned that viewers streaming at home might have seen the infraction and thought it had been overlooked. That was Ritchie’s first question when he approached White near scoring.

“If something like that happens out there,” he asked White Thursday, “do you want me to just be quiet?” 

White, it appeared, was unsure what to say. It was an odd question, to be sure, but Ritchie’s player support followed with the same query. What do you want us to do? 

“Well, you have a fiduciary responsibility to the rest of the field,” White said.

“Did something happen out there?” I asked Ritchie as he headed in to finalize his scores.

His player support turned around and said, “No. Nothing.”