"I never called Phil Mickelson a cheater."

Downright hilarious statement issued by Scott McCarron to clarify his remarks about Phil Mickelson's use of the PING wedge. Jason Sobel reports:

"I responded, 'It's cheating and I am appalled Phil has put it in play,'" McCarron stated. "I never called Phil Mickelson a cheater. That being said, I want my fans, sponsors, and most importantly, my fellow players, to know that I will not be silenced and I will continue my efforts to get the groove issue resolved."

So it's cheating what Phil did, but he's not a cheater.

Doug Ferguson also notes this from McCarron's statement:

"Instead of addressing the matter, the tour chose to put the onus to comply on its players," McCarron said. "Unfortunately, a handful of players have chosen not to comply, and that is what has led to this current ordeal. In my opinion ... the tour must now put a rule in place to protect the field and ban these wedges."

McCarron said the focus should shift from a small number of players using the Ping-Eye 2 wedges to the majority of players "who chose to do the right thing."

"I am still appalled by the fact that any player would make the choice to put this controversial wedge in play, and I stand by my previous comments," he said.

Except the part about Phil being a cheater! It's cheating. He's not a cheater. I got it now.