Why Tiger Has A Yacht Named Privacy Files: "Tiger’s programmed multiple personalities and memory blocks can be turned on and off like a switch with system themes and trigger words."

Thanks to reader SMR for one of the most wildly entertaining radio bits I've heard in a long time. Though it's dated January 2, the comedic value here is timeless.

The Conspiracy Show, you see, welcomed Nelson Thall to discuss his theory that Tiger Woods is a super cyber athlete, a "junior Manchurian candidate," with a Nazi inspired marriage coupling via one of Dr. Josef Mengele's proud creations, Elin Nordegren!

You will not be able to stop listening. Here's the website synopsis:

Tune in and discover how, according to Thall, Tiger’s artificially split mind is run exactly like a computer program, complete with its own secret themes, triggers, codes and access words. Tiger’s programmed multiple personalities and memory blocks can be turned on and off like a switch with system themes and trigger words. An alternate multiple personas won’t emerge unless the right trigger word/song/phrase is uncovered and given. Tiger’s father, Earl D. Woods, was fond of making bold pronouncements that Tiger would one day outdo Buddha, Gandhi and Mandela in world influence. Earl, a former U.S. lieutenant colonel green beret in Vietnam, admitted that he used among other things CIA Phoenix Program (trauma based) prisoner-of-war interrogation techniques to program Tiger in infancy as early as 10 months old. Who were Earl Woods’ major influences in forming prisoner-of-war interrogation techniques to mind control Tiger?

Mark McCormack?

Go on...

They were major war criminals, occult High Priests of Wotan, some of the most dangerous and treacherous personalities in history.

The CIA Phoenix Program, an illegal war crime assassination, neutralization, and hamlet resettlement program, started in 1967 under CIA agent and National Security Council (NSC) staffer, Robert Komer. Komer’s boss on NSC was Nazi war criminal Brigadefuhrer SS Fritz Kraemer. Komer’s assistants were William Colby and Ted Shackley. Komer, Colby and Shackley reported to Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), Richard Helms. U.S. Army Green Beret troops were the Stormtroopers of the Phoenix Program. They abducted, interrogated, assassinated and summarily executed suspected Vietnamese sympathizers, collaborators and agents.

Richard Helms interviewed Adolf Hitler for UPI during the 1936 Olympics. In 1948, Helms welcomed Hitler’s spymaster, Reinhart Gehlen, and his spy network into the CIA (U.S. government payroll) as a “great intelligence producer.”[ Gehlen’s network included some of the most dangerous individuals on the planet; SS Captain Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, SS Major Emil Augsburg, Gestapo Captain Klaus Barbie, SS Captain Josef Mengele, and Hitler’s Commando SS Lieutenant Colonel Otto Skorzeny. The CIA’s Phoenix Program expert consultant interrogators, torturers and assassins were the Nazis, the SS and Gestapo. Otto Skorzeny’s Paladin Group developed and trained U.S. Army Green Berets.

Oh yeah, that's a seemless leap!

Tiger’s infancy mind control programming also has a Nazi precedent. Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s Lebensborn program may have been the grandparent of the Monarch Program, a subproject of the CIA/MK ULTRA. Creating ‘racially pure’ Aryan babies was the aim of the Lebensborn program; world domination was its ultimate goal. Monarch sought to create in infancy junior Manchurian Candidates with multiple personalities, each trained to perform a specific specialty. The kids were programmed to respond to codes, mnemonic cues, and audio-reversed triggers and tones.

This is the point where Elin gets dragged into the thing and, well, you just have to listen to it.