“What I’m most proud of in my career is that I’ve built brands; I’ve built them globally, and I’ve left them significantly larger than when I joined them"

Beth Ann Baldry files this profile of new LPGA Commish Mike Whan (family man, Midwest values, looks you in the eye, yada, yada, yada). 

You know, I've read four or five stories on the hockey stick dude and I still couldn't tell you the name of this glorious brand he built. NCIS Hockey or some such thing.

Whan champions his ability to build brands. When he joined Mission Hockey in 2002, he says, it was an unstable roller-hockey business that was unprofitable. During his tenure, the company’s annual sales grew from $20 million to nearly $80 million.

“What I’m most proud of in my career is that I’ve built brands; I’ve built them globally, and I’ve left them significantly larger than when I joined them,” Whan said.

Yeah, but we can't remember their names! What kind of branding is that?

And I must apologize to the Brand Lady right now. Even you never dropped the B word this much, but when you touted your branding experience, we could at least remember the brand you last worked on (USA Today).