USGA Sticks Up For Sharp Park!

Praise Joe Dey! Holy P.J. Boatwright!

The USGA has sent a letter to San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, defending Sharp Park's right to co-exist with the frogs and snakes. To be clear, it was dated December 14th, so a little rant from yesterday can't be credited. At least not for the letter. Maybe the leak.

Brad Klein reports:

Davis’ letter does address the historic nature of the golf course – a design by Alister Mackenzie to whom Davis refers as “the Frank Lloyd Wright of golf.” The five-paragraph letter goes on to laud the golf course as “a living breathing, functioning San Francisco landmark."

Sharp Park is caught up in a political controversy concerning both its funding and claims of its adverse ecological impact. Davis wrote Lee that: "It is our firm belief that Sharp Park can be managed in an ecologically responsible manner.”