As If Tiger Doesn't Have Enough On His Mind, Files...

Jose Lambiet suggests that Tiger Woods has plenty on his mind with a huge divorce payment due early into 2016.

While Lambiet has no insight into whether the final lump sum payment has been made (which could render the item meaningless), he does post the documentation to prove that it's either payment or, failing that, the Jupiter Island home that would go to ex-wife Elin Nordegren.

When he and Nordegren divorced in 2010 in the wake of the infamous car crash incident that exposed Woods’ secret life as a booty hound, Woods agreed to pay Nordegren an estimated $110 million over six years.

The six years are up in 2016, and so is the $54.5 million balance of their deal.

Lambiet also reports on a lawsuit brought by a former security guard who is suing after slipping at the Woods mansion. Love the slip-and-fall king line:

According to the lawsuit, filed by Miami slip-and-fall king Michael Feiler, a badly-oriented sprinkler head made the marble walkway so slippery that Davis’ accident was bound to happen.